

2018-08-01    来源:隆众石化网
[ 导读 ]:国家推进“煤改气”的目标和决心引发各界对天然气供应问题的关注。2017年底频频刷屏的『气荒』和『气短』到底该如何解决?

      OilChem Insights
      How to Overcome Gas Shortage in the Campaign to Switch Coal to Gas?
      The Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) updated the progress of supervision about clean air action in key areas, the elimination of coal-fueled boiler was ranked first in the release, and there was one item of violation in the list of 352 enterprises who should eliminate coal-fueled boilers.
      The target and determination of China’s promotion of coal conversion to gas have raised concerns about natural gas supply. How to solve the gas shortage that occurred frequently in the winter of 2017?
      The comments below are adapted from the article published by Li Junfeng in Dec. 2017. Even today, there is still a great deal of significance.
      According to the data released by NDRC, China's natural gas consumption volume was 237.3 billion cubic meters in 2017, up 31.5 billion cubic meters or 15.3 percent compared to 2016. It was estimated by Li Junfeng that, the increased natural gas consumption by coal conversion to gas was 5 to 6 billion cubic meters, accounting for a little more than 2 percent of the total natural gas consumption, or one sixth of the newly added natural gas consumption in China in 2017.
      China's natural gas consumption sees a strong substitutability and volume flexibility, and the supply and demand status changes rapidly. The worries over natural gas consumption shortage and efforts to expand its market is an obvious evidence of that.
      So, there is no problem to guarantee the coal conversion to gas volume if all aspects of work are arranged properly by the government, such as the mutual supply among major gas enterprises, gas transportation from South to North, and securing residential use by reducing electricity generating.
      Meanwhile, the gas shortage during the coal conversion to gas is an alert to governments and enterprises. The security of gas supply of rural areas should be incorporated to the coordination mechanism at the national level. Some mature mechanism is worthy of taking for reference, such as summer peak of electricity system and coal storage coordination mechanism during winter heating season.
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